ようこそ! This is the homepage of me, Kenny, also known as kenizl86 on the interwebs. Here is where I post about everything that interests me—which believe me is a hard feat indeed—and where I go to just write about my life.
If you’re new here, why not start with my blog and check out my latest post! If you’re a potential client, click on over to my portfolio to see a list of what I can offer, as well as sample content and references! Curious about me or the website itself? Check out the about page to learn more!
Click around and enjoy!
Featured Song: We Both Go Down Together, by The Decemberists. Just bought their Picaresque album, and this song is so ear-catching to me! I keep listening to it over and over. Fantastic! I mean, from who else are you going to hear a line like this:
you come from parents wanton, a childhood rough and rotten,
I come from wealth and beauty, untouched by work or duty
Last Update: 04 Jan, 2025
What Updated: Website overhaul